At the No-Stone Foundation in Kalbaskraal, our mission is to help develop individuals, both young and old, and transform their lives. One such individual is Gerswin, who joined our team just three months ago with no prior experience in woodworking.
Gerswin’s first task was to build kennels, a challenge that seemed insurmountable at the time. But with the support and resources provided by the No-Stone Foundation, he put in long hours in the workshop, trying different tools and techniques, and getting better every day.
As Gerswin’s skills grew, so did his confidence, and he soon took on more complex projects. One such project was building a room for a 78-year-old lady in the village, a task that he approached with care and compassion. This project further honed his skills, and he soon moved on to his most ambitious project yet: an incredible waterfall table.
Gerswin’s journey from kennel builder to table builder is a shining example of what can be achieved with passion and a love for learning. At the No-Stone Foundation, we believe in the potential of our community members and are committed to providing the resources necessary for their success.
We are proud of Gerswin and his achievements, and we look forward to continuing our work to support the development of individuals in Kalbaskraal. Join us in our mission to empower and inspire! Together, we can build a brighter future for our community.”
Just to make the table even more unique that it already is, he asked Lize to weave some magic with her pyrography skills.
Once more, the notion of community was in full force here to get this done. Gareth supplied the wood, Tim and Mark fetched the wood, Sion supplied the knowhow and encouragement, Bruce at Power Tool Services, the tech, Sandra at ProNature the oil, Alta taught Lize how to do the Pyrography, Jodi got Lize the pyrography machine all to support each other.
A community of communities got together, not knowing at all what the outcome of their contribution would be and the result is something that is spectacular and will forever be in the family and a reminder of just how we should be living.