The No-Stone Foundation is not a religious organization and will work in the community in any culture, faith system or group that will have us.
We are, however, mostly Christians and all are volunteers.
We have found though that a good place to start in a community for various reasons, is with the Christian based Alpha course. We use the model created and then instead of watching videos of British or USA folk, we deliver the message ourselves from the large team we have assembled over the years.
Alpha is now over and roughly 12 – 16 people from Kalbaskraal have walked a 4 month journey with us and each other, they discovered commonalities between each other, they discovered shared passions, strengths and weaknesses. But most importantly, they discovered each other and many discovered God.
The last session was a feast, a feast of biblical proportions as all brought something to the evening, and the evening was especially blessed by the guests and speakers.
For me, this particular evening was one of immense presence and gravitas and humility.
Not enough can be said of the 3 men sitting with me in this pic. The colossal servants and men of God that came through and shared with us was unimaginable.
We have on the left, Hendrik Barnard, who called me out of the blue 23 yrs ago as a complete stranger and gave me my 1st prophetic word.
Then we have Peter Diesel Reynold, whom I “encouraged” back into ministry 20 yrs ago while he was exhausted and sitting on a low bridge in Ceres Dennebos.
On the right, we have Noble Scheepers, a man of God that has a story to tell that will bring even the strongest amongst us to tears. Noble and I met 23 yrs ago and he, more than any other man, encouraged me to become the best version of me that I could be, AND to take as many people with me on that journey.
The amazing thing is this, they all have their own ministries and IF I called these incredible men of God, by the titles that they carry and tell you about their ministry, it is unlikely that you would believe that they all came to support one ministry OR for that matter to Kalbaskraal.
The fact that Noble was here from Massechusetts at the time of the event alone is quite something, but that Peter could make it with Sonja and bring Andrew and Yvette here as well, and Hendrik from Bellville is humbling.
I started with these men and they are ALL STILL spiritual elders in my life and to me.
The last pic is arguably the most significant of them all. This is my son Kieran playing with Ruby. Ruby is the daughter of what was then a 15 yr old Tanzi, that started my ministry with me, and what is the common thread?
We are STILL ministering together and it is likely that my children will make a similar impact in her children’s lives that she and many others made in theirs.
Alpha is over, but by definition Alpha is just the beginning.
Kalbaskraal, you will see these people and notice the positive effects of communities in a community