In the poverty-stricken rural community of Kalbaskraal, a devastating fire has left a family of eight in desperate need of support. Uncle Charles, his wife Carol, her disabled brother Colin, their granddaughter Shakira, her husband Ikeraam, and their three young daughters were robbed of their home and belongings in a blink of an eye. This heart-wrenching incident has prompted the No-Stone Foundation to rally people from around the world to help rebuild their shattered lives. Today, we share their story and extend a call to action for compassionate individuals to lend a helping hand. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope back to this resilient family.
The flames that engulfed the modest home of Uncle Charles and his extended family on that fateful night brought devastation beyond imagination. The fire, which initially raised concerns due to the existing tensions in Kalbaskraal, was determined to be a tragic accident, devoid of any malicious intent. However, the consequences were profound, leaving this family of eight in a state of utter despair.
Uncle Charles, a pillar of strength for his family, has seen his humble abode reduced to ashes. Alongside him, Carol, his wife, and custodian of her disabled brother Colin, find themselves grappling with a sense of helplessness. Shakira and Ikeraam, a young couple in their early thirties, also lost everything in the fire, including precious memories accumulated over the years. Their three beautiful daughters, aged 10, 8, and 2, now face the harsh reality of homelessness and uncertainty.
Amidst this tragedy, the No-Stone Foundation and its partners have taken up the cause of rebuilding this family’s shattered lives. Recognizing the urgent need for support, they have launched a global call to action, urging compassionate individuals from around the planet to contribute and make a difference. By joining hands and offering a helping hand, we can bring hope and stability back to this resilient family and help them rebuild their lives.
Let us stand together and prove that compassion knows no boundaries. Click to contribute and be a part of their journey towards a brighter future. Your support can make all the difference in helping this family rise from the ashes and rebuild their lives, filling their days with hope and healing.
If you have any donations that need to be collected OR would like to drop off, that can be done at The No-Stone House in Kalbaskraal. Contact us for any more information